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Realising Women’s Right to Health - UN Special Rapporteur visits Ireland

Published: Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Women's Human Rights Alliance (WHRA) is planning a half day conference on Realising Women's Right to Health in Ireland to highlight UN and global standards on the right to health that are particularly applicable to realising women's right to health in Ireland.   

Mr. Anand Grover, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health will give a key note address at the conference. His speech will cover the global standards and commitments in relation to women's right to health including reproductive health. He will emphasise government accountability and the importance of a progressive rights based approach to health. His imput will make specific recommendations with regard to the Irish healthcare situation. Other speakers on the panel include Minister for Health Mr. James Reilly (tbc), Sara Burke, journalist, broadcaster and policy analyst and Dr. Jane Pillinger, independent consultant specialising in health and women's health. The conference will be chaired by Prof. Kathleen Lynch, School of Social Justice, University College Dublin. 

When: Monday, 17 December 2012, 1.00pm to 4.30pm

Where: European Union House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2

If you are interested in attending this event, please contact Aine Travers at NWCI ainet@nwci.ie 

The Women's Human Rights Alliance (WHRA) is a coalition of independent non-governmental organisations that advocate for women's human rights. The National Women's Council of Ireland convene the WHRA and current members include Akidwa, Amnesty International, Cairde, Pavee Point Travellers Centre, Migrant Rights Centre Ireland, Immigrant Council of Ireland, Irish Council for Civil Liberties, National Travellers Women's Forum, National Collective of Community Based Women's Networks (NCCWN), OPEN, Ruhama, Irish Family Planning Association, UN Women Ireland and Women's Aid. 

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